Jake Borelli (Grey’s Anatomy), Javier Muñoz (Hamilton, In The Heights), and David Henry Jacobs (Chair and founding member of The Indiana University Queer Philanthropy Circle) were honored. Awards were presented by Peter Paige (Good Trouble, Queer As Folk) and Katherine McNamara (Arrow, Shadowhunters).
Borelli was presented with the Horizon Award, Muñoz took home the Impact Award, and Jacobs received the Founders Award.
Jai Rodriguez (Bros, Queer Eye), Mollee Gray (PrideHouse LA), Kent Boyd (So You Think You Can Dance), Omar Sharif Jr. (The Secret Scripture), Sam Humphrey (The Greatest Showman), Carmella Casinelli (Producer, The Thing About Pam), and Olympic Gold Medalist Diver Greg Louganis were all on hand in support of the foundation.
Point’s mission is to empower promising LGBTQ students to achieve their full academic and leadership potential – despite the obstacles often put before them – and make a significant impact on society.